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Puig de Randa & Santuari de Cura, Algaida

540m hill with two sanctuarys in the middle of Mallorca

featured in Sights & sites

The Puig de Randa, rising 543m out of the plain, has been a place of pilgrimage ever since Ramon Llull founded Mallorca's first hermitage here in 1275.

Llull arrived aged 40, shaken by an incident that made him re-assess his way of life. Bent on seduction, he had chased a married woman through Palma on horseback. Unable to shake him off, she lifted her blouse to reveal cancerous breasts, and Llull retired in isolation to Puig de Randa to ponder a life of youthful excess.

These days pilgrims to Puig de Randa are as likely to be weekend cyclists in search of a challenge, as they are seekers of religious truth. The winding road to the summit leads to three separate hermitages.

The lowest, Oratori de Nostra Senyora de Gracia, is perched on a ledge on the cliff above a sheer 200m drop. Further up is the Santuari de Sant Honorat and finally Santuari de Cura, where Llull lived. The sense of history is somewhat offset by the radio mast on the mountain top and the electric candles in the church, but this is still a special place.

Visit the Sala Gramatica to see Llull's original manuscripts and a bottle of 1934 Chartreuse made in the monastery, then look out from the terrace at the views of the plain, with Palma Bay and the isle of Cabrera in the distance. Simple rooms are available in a modern pilgrims' block.

Visitor comments

Read our review of the Sanctuary de Cura.

  • "It's a shrine in the top of a mountain with a little nice chapel and a museum. When you get the top, from the parking is it possible to see Majorca all around and also the little Cabrera island. Our kids were delighted, it was like if we were flying!." - Trip Advisor
  • "Rode our bikes up to Puig de Randa. Spectacular road trip, to find the most stunning views we could hope for. Visited the church and enjoyed a lovely meal. Worth it without a doubt." - Trip Advisor
  • "A lovely trip up the mountainside where cars and cyclists travel side by side to reach the summit where the sanctuary is. It is well worth the trip no matter if by car or bike. The views are just fantastic with so much of the island to see. There is a café and restaurant at the top and both are welcoming and reasonably priced and should meet all your needs during the trip. There is a small museum and it is worth paying the nominal charge to see its history and artefacts - you do not have to be religious to appreciate it." - Trip Advisor

When to come

The cafeteria and restaurant are open in winter from 09:00 to 17:00 (18:00 weekends and bank holidays) and, in summer, from 08:30 to 21:30.


Map of the surrounding area